Can someone explain the exact installation progress to me? On the website it just says, copy the all folders from the texture pack into the standard Citra location. Thanks for your help!
4 ответа4 комментария
8 комментариев
11 апр. 2021 г.
Update @Henriko Magnifico – I was able to get the game to run once, but afterwards the texture pack seems to destroy Citra's ability to reload. Tried 6 times including a few fresh installations of Citra. Any advice on how to make this work in a stable way? Thank you!
uncheck Use Disk Shader Cache in advanced preferences
Henriko Magnifico
01 мая 2021 г.
Ответ пользователю
@hi This is super useful information, I will let people know about this fix! Thank you!
09 апр. 2021 г.
seems to work thank you Henriko!
28 февр. 2021 г.
Here is a screenshot of what Citra expects to run in case it helps. There are none of any of those file types in the pack. Thank you.
Henriko Magnifico
06 апр. 2021 г.
Ответ пользователю
Hi! I apologize for the slow response, I've been so busy with questions over on the Discord and on Patreon that I simply forgot to respond to the questions here on the forums. Anyways, to answer your question. At the moment, none of my texture packs include MacOS apps of the emulators, so you will have to download Citra yourself manually from the Citra website. This will be simplified in future updates, but for now this is what you need to do:
Copy the "user" folder from the texture pack folder over to your Citra default directory. This is normally located inside ~/.local/share/citra-emu/
Replace any files if it asks while copying. Then simply start Citra and load your own game rom (North American version) and you're done! The texture pack should now be enabled and the game should load with all the optimized default settings.
I hope this answers your question!
Collin Brooks
09 апр. 2021 г.
Ответ пользователю
Hello, I followed these steps for running on Citra Canary 1956. I am on Mac and disabled hardware shader otherwise Citra won't load any files. This is what my game looks like when I did load it. I am noting that I'm on M1 chip Mac.
28 февр. 2021 г.
Same. Hi @Henriko Magnifico – I signed up for the Patreon thinking it'd just be as your instructions say – copy files. But it doesn't appear to have any way to run once the files are copied. There is nothing for the Citra to run. Citra expects a file to run, but there are none in any of your directories. We can't use the .exe. Please help.
Update @Henriko Magnifico – I was able to get the game to run once, but afterwards the texture pack seems to destroy Citra's ability to reload. Tried 6 times including a few fresh installations of Citra. Any advice on how to make this work in a stable way? Thank you!
seems to work thank you Henriko!
Here is a screenshot of what Citra expects to run in case it helps. There are none of any of those file types in the pack. Thank you.
Same. Hi @Henriko Magnifico – I signed up for the Patreon thinking it'd just be as your instructions say – copy files. But it doesn't appear to have any way to run once the files are copied. There is nothing for the Citra to run. Citra expects a file to run, but there are none in any of your directories. We can't use the .exe. Please help.