Can someone explain the exact installation progress to me? On the website it just says, copy the all folders from the texture pack into the standard Citra location. Thanks for your help!
4 ответа4 комментария
8 комментариев
11 апр. 2021 г.
Update @Henriko Magnifico – I was able to get the game to run once, but afterwards the texture pack seems to destroy Citra's ability to reload. Tried 6 times including a few fresh installations of Citra. Any advice on how to make this work in a stable way? Thank you!
Henriko Magnifico
01 мая 2021 г.
Ответ пользователю
@hi This is super useful information, I will let people know about this fix! Thank you!
Update @Henriko Magnifico – I was able to get the game to run once, but afterwards the texture pack seems to destroy Citra's ability to reload. Tried 6 times including a few fresh installations of Citra. Any advice on how to make this work in a stable way? Thank you!